Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fireflies: He Hasn't Forgotten About Me

Do you remember in the movie The Color Purple when Shug Avery and Celie were talking about purple flowers in the field?  Let me refresh your memory: 
Shug: More than anything God love admiration. 
Celie: You saying God is vain? 
Shug: No, not vain, just wanting to share a good thing. I think it pisses God off when you walk by the colour purple in a field and don't notice it. 
Celie: You saying it just wanna be loved like it say in the bible? 
Shug: Yeah, Celie. Everything wanna be loved. Us sing and dance, and holla just wanting to be loved. Look at them trees. Notice how the trees do everything people do to get attention... except walk? 
[they laugh

Well, during my drive home the fireflies were out in full force today.  Beautiful twinkling fireflies.  And in my spirit I heard God say "Smile.  I'm still here."  So I smiled and was thankful that He lit up the fireflies just for me (and you) to remind me that He was still thinking of me.  And I said "Thank You.  Amen." 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day Praise

Luke 17:11-19 tells the story of ten lepers that were healed by Jesus.  As the story goes, after they were healed only one came back to say "thank you."  Yesterday, I was privileged and proud to witness that in my own household.

It's winter and just like every winter, kids pray for snow days.  My children are no different.  But yesterday, when we began to realize that we were getting ice and not snow, my child began to pray for a snow day.  Not just a little "I hope it snows" passing remark, but a full fledged "Jesus, can you help me out?"  intense prayer.

Later that night, when she received word that school was indeed canceled, she stopped what she was doing and did a praise dance in the hallway.  Not a little "no school jig"  but a "thank You Jesus!" dance complete with the uptempo music.  I started to giggle as I watched her dance.  But later my heart was warmed as I thought of her not only trusting God to deliver a blessing but also remembering to say thank you to the one that made it possible.

Everyone says you should train up a child, but I can tell you that often times my faith grows leaps and bounds by watching my children.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Makeup Aisle Ministry

This morning I ran out of my house and realized that I didn't set my makeup with finishing spray.  Normally, it's not a big deal but today I have a super long day and thought let me go get it so I could be cute all day.  Since I pass a Walgreens on my way to work I figured I would pop on in.  It wasn't a quick trip.  I searched the aisles for finishing spray.  First, I looked for the elf finishing spray.  I walked from the front of the store to where the nail items started then back again.  I walked past CoverGirl, Maybelline, Revlon, Iman, and many others but did not see the finishing spray.  I looked high and low.  Then I thought, let me look for any brand of finishing spray.  Again I walked the entire aisle and I looked in the places where I thought it would be, but could not find it.  So I went about my business and grabbed a few other items I needed.  When I was ready to check out, I noticed that the line in cosmetics was shorter than the normal check out counter so I skipped on over to expedite my exit.  As I walked to the cosmetics counter I looked in a different direction from when I first entered the store.  There I found the elf primer.  I thought "hmm, if they have the primer maybe they will have the finishing spray."  When I got to the counter, I asked the clerk if they have the spray.  She said "yes" and proceeded to walk me back to the aisle where I was originally looking but 2 steps farther from where I ended my search.  It was after the nail items. 

By now I am sure you are thinking "why is she going on and on about her trip to Walgreens?"  Well, as soon as I found my makeup I felt God say to me "Sometimes you have to look beyond where you think something should be.  You may have to stretch yourself or walk a few more miles to get there but you have to trust that if I said it will be there, then it will come to pass."  Well, ain't that something!  A word in the makeup aisle!  Now don't get me wrong, God didn't promise me finishing spray.  But He has many promises and I know that they will come to pass.  It may not happen when I think it should or where I think it should be but if God says "yes" then we have to believe Him.

People say God doesn't speak anymore because they don't see bushes burning on the sidewalk, but God speaks all the time.  We have to be receptive and listen for Him and maybe take a few more steps.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Watch and Pray - Matthew 26

Have you read Matthew 26:36-46?  After reading it my first thought was "who would keep watch for me?"  But my second thought was "Can I be trusted to keep watch for my friends/spouse/family?"  Honestly, I think I could be trusted with the task of keeping watch for my folks.  But can I go a bit deeper?  (Of course I can, it's my blog!)

Revelation #1:  If the disciples had stayed awake would that change the outcome?  Honestly, I don't know.  I think that Jesus would have still been arrested, wrongly convicted, and crucified.  But sometimes you need your crew to stand with you.  Yes, you still have your own journey.  Yes, you have to do some things alone.  But often you can draw strength from the cheers, prayers, and encouragement of your friends.  Do you have people in your circle that will encourage you?  Do you encourage others?

Revelation #2: Can I be trusted to "keep watch" for Jesus?  Ummm, my track record is shakey.  I do some things but not everything that He asks of me.  I do the things that are easy and that don't stretch me.  I do the things that require little faith.  I have to do better.  While "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" is an honest statement, it is also an excuse.  After Jesus was arrested I wonder how many disciples wished that they had stayed awake to get those last few minutes in His presence.  I don't want the "hour to come" and realize that I squandered the time that I could have spent with Him.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Excerpt from Rick Warren's Daily Devotional - Pray!!!!

**Note: The following is an excerpt from Rick Warren's Daily Devotional App

"So my question to you today is this: Are you praying about your goals?  Are you praying about your future?  Are you praying about your dreams or are you just kind of keeping them to yourself?

Your prayers reveal a couple of things.  First, they reveal how serious you are about your goals.  If you don't pray about them, you really don't care about them that much.  If you only pray about them once, they are not a desire, they are just a whim.

The other thing your prayers reveal is how much you are depending on God to reach your goals.  If you never pray about your goals, never pray about your job, never pray about your finances, you are not depending on God in any of those areas.  The more you depend on God, the more you'll pray."

Well, dang.  What else is there to say other than "amen?"

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Next Level Prayer Life

Next level.  Next level.  Next level.  I want next level living in all areas of my life but I can't get there unless I start with prayer.  I HATE getting up in the morning.  I love the fact that Jesus saw fit to wake me up, but I don't want to get up early.  But I need to start every day with prayer.  Every.  Every.  Every.  I am going to keep saying it until my flesh submits to my spirit.  Every.  Every day!  If He wakes you up the least you can do is say "good morning and thank You," right?  I thought so!  So Every Day!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Life More Abundantly

I love how God can use the valleys to elevate you.  But we can't be defined by the valleys.  The valleys were used to groom you, to teach you a few things.  But you are not meant to stay in the valley.  Nor are you meant to keep on the weight of the valley.  When you get out of the valley, you must leave somethings behind.  Leave misery.  Leave doubt.  Leave guilt.  Leave shame.  Leave it all there.  God didn't come for you to continue to carry those things that He has delivered you from.  This dead weight stops you from living live to the fullest.  John 10:10 says "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Thank You, God, for taking me out of the valley.  Thank You for raising me out of that mess.  Thank You for forgiving me for my part in making that mess.  God, I know that You see me as more than I can ever imagine.  Thank You for not seeing my faults.  Help me see myself as You see me.  Let me take off the mourning clothes and put on Your robes.  Help me to live life more abundantly.  I love You and thank You.  Amen.