Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Help Me Run The Race

Father, Matthew 24:13 says "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."  Please give me strength not only to endure but to thrive.  Help me to get a second wind & fresh feet to run Your race.  I am tired so give me a spiritual shot of endurance, of strength, of energy to make it.  I love You and thank You.  In Jesus' name, amen.

Monday, August 12, 2013

It's Monday

It's Monday.  You can grumble.  You can gripe.  You could complain about just how tired you are.  Or you could pray and be thankful for this wonderful gift of another day.  Today I am going to choose the latter.  It is MONDAY!  Another day to pursue the vision.  Another day to chase God.  Another day to draw closer to Him.  Another day to say "Thank You."  Amen.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

God Loves Me

God loves Him some Neysa.  That must be it because He keeps placing opportunity, blessings, and grace at my doorstep.  Not that I am deserving but it is like He keeps saying "You messed up.  It's ok.  You are going to get this right one day and every time you  fail, you get one step closer.  I've given you tons of gifts and vision and drive.  I've put people and opportunity at your door.  You have to be a good steward of those gifts and represent ME well.  I've called you to be an ambassador not because you never make mistakes but because you did - multiple times - and you keep coming back to Me.  I love you.  I am here with you.  We will do this journey together."  And that is more than I could ever ask for.