Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day Praise

Luke 17:11-19 tells the story of ten lepers that were healed by Jesus.  As the story goes, after they were healed only one came back to say "thank you."  Yesterday, I was privileged and proud to witness that in my own household.

It's winter and just like every winter, kids pray for snow days.  My children are no different.  But yesterday, when we began to realize that we were getting ice and not snow, my child began to pray for a snow day.  Not just a little "I hope it snows" passing remark, but a full fledged "Jesus, can you help me out?"  intense prayer.

Later that night, when she received word that school was indeed canceled, she stopped what she was doing and did a praise dance in the hallway.  Not a little "no school jig"  but a "thank You Jesus!" dance complete with the uptempo music.  I started to giggle as I watched her dance.  But later my heart was warmed as I thought of her not only trusting God to deliver a blessing but also remembering to say thank you to the one that made it possible.

Everyone says you should train up a child, but I can tell you that often times my faith grows leaps and bounds by watching my children.